I am thrilled to welcome you to Sin Agenda.

This new, solo publication offers an honest and sometimes skeptical perspective on what we see in the headlines.

The name "Sin Agenda" is Spanish for "No Agenda." Since the desired domain was unavailable, I opted for sinagenda.com.

There is no agenda behind my writing, opinions, or perspectives. Instead, I enjoy writing about what I see and learn around me, including technologies, cultural changes, and the desmadre (rampage) of our times.

Sin Agenda is independent and not beholden to corporate interests or ideologies. It is personal, fostering a conversation between me and you, the subscribers.

Thanks again for joining me on this journey.


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Writing about what I see and learn around me, including technology, books, photography, and the desmadre (rampage) of our times.


I enjoy programming, photography, and writing.